Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Kenya Constuitution Referendum

Why I am for a “Yes”

As Kenya plans for a constitutional referendum set to be held sometime this year, I would like to give my thoughts on why we should vote for it and why I support the draft that was passed on April 3, 2010.
This new constitution adds more rights for Kenyan citizens and we therefore should not be seeking corrupt politicians to be interpreting this draft for us. I simply cannot stand Mr Ruto and the church’s arguments for trying to advocate and campaign against the draft. What they should know is we can have what is there for now and anything that needs to be changed can always be worked out with time.
Most of this opposition to this draft is especially from the churches fearing that it may open up the issues of abortion. Having grown up in Kenya, I have experience that tells me that anything that is good has always attracted criticism or variety of opinions from those who feel bad about whatever good you may have, be it beautiful wife, nice home, job or car .That’s why we have those people who thrive on others downfall. I find the argument about Kadhi’s courts less convincing. If these christians want their own courts, who has stopped them. No one. In the Bomas draft in 2005, the Kadhi’s courts was never a contentious issue, suddenly people calling themselves christians are now making noise that kadhi’s courts be scrapped when they have been around for as long as I can remember. A new constitution must be about adding more rights to its citizens and I believe with a new constitution in place, parliament and the judiciary will have more power and as a result the executive will have less. This way we will be able to control the impunity and corruption that is so rampant in our country.
I like the fact that land will be protected, and that parliament will have to vet as to who joins the executive. These so called politicians, who are opposed, are the very same people who stated that the government wasn’t serious about the constituition.Now that the President and Prime Minister are working towards giving Kenyans a new constitution, they are the very same people raising very stupid reasons to be opposed and being in the “No” camp.
Ruto and company have to be honest about themselves and more especially to the Kenyan citizens that entrust them to lead us. They should realize that they are trying to mislead Kenyans and they are only opposed to the draft constitution just because Mr Raila is in the “Yes” camp. Anyways, I hope I wake up to a day that Kenya has a new constitution.
Enough of Kenyan politics!

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